598 Eastland Road Berea, Ohio 44017

March 15, 2013

Grace and Freedom

Artist’s Statement

It seems that many of us strive most of our lives, trying to do the best we can. Yet many times, no matter how much we do, it seems it’s never enough. Though we identify with Christ as our Savior, we often fail to experience His peace and true love. We need to go before God and ask him to show us the way…to show us Who He is and what we are missing. Transformation is never easy. Sometimes we refuse to let go of the things that hurt us or are dear to us.

After the death of my mother, I sensed it was time to reconcile the past and release the weight of the wounds suffered in childhood. God showed me what I was holding onto deep inside me…the hurts and wounds of the past. By His grace, I was finally able to let go. I wrote a long letter to the person who hurt me and burned the letter. I mixed the ashes from that letter with white paint…to create gray/white brushlines inside the body. The blood of Christ is there to cover it. It is there that the transformation has begun. The wings soften with the grace of God. The bird’s nest suggests a rebirth in response to God’s love and gift of freedom from childhood pain.

Christ has transformed me and given me a renewed sense of freedom -- the freedom to truly live and love by God’s grace. May He do the same for you. 

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Plaster, wood, fiberglass, blown glass, found objects, fabric, 
ashes, acrylic, enamel and 24 karat gold leaf

43 1/2"x 68"x 15"

E-mail for price