598 Eastland Road Berea, Ohio 44017

March 9, 2012

I Love You-Painting and Combine

This painting/combine shows the reason for Christ's death on the cross. His right hand shows the universal sign language "I Love You." The small left hand represents child-like faith. Each hand has white interior representing purity. The right arm with the rope tells us to hang on and follow him. Behind the rope are words of the Lord's supper that Jesus spoke. You can see the words in red and also gold when viewed at different angles and lighting. The left arm shows partial scripture involving Pontius Pilate. The head of Christ shows blood-soaked hair, representing His blood flowing for many. The body shows brokeness, with the Cubist art influence.

Mixed media-plaster, rope and 24k lining

Seven in series. First in series sold.
Second in series is in progress.